September 7, 2024

WA State Board of Health Meeting | January 12 | by Calvin Audibert | January 12, 2022

Washington State Board of Health Meeting Materials

January 12, 2022
Watch the meeting live on TVW

Item #
3Board Announcements and Other Business
EH Committee Meeting Notes
HP Committee Meeting Notes
Notifiable Conditions Effective Date Extension
Notifiable Conditions Emergency Rule
CR-103, PFAS, Group A Drinking Water Supplies
CR-103, PFAS, Drinking Water Laboratory Certification and Data Reporting
4Department of Health Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Other Updates Department of Health COVID-19 Presentation – available soon
5Briefing – Local Board of Health Composition, Chapter 246-90 WACCover memo
Local Board of Health Composition Update Presentation
Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1152
6Public Comment*Public Comments Received – packet 1 *The Board is receiving and handling a substantial amount of public comments due to the amount of interest in the meeting. We will keep this agenda item updated regularly until all comments are posted. We are processing the comments as quickly as we can. All public comments the Board has received will be posted here.
7Briefing – Keeping of Animals, Chapter 246-203-130 WACCover Memo
State Board of Health Keeping of Animals Presentation
Statutory Authority
Draft Rule
Draft Significant Analysis
2018 Background Report
8Briefing – Immunization Technical Advisory GroupCover memo
TAG Briefing Update Presentation
TAG Membership Positions
9Rules Hearing Continuance – Communicable and Other Certain Diseases, Chapter 246-100 WACRules Hearing Cover Memo
Rules Hearing Presentation
Proposed Rule Language
Proposed Rule Making CR-102
Significant Analysis
Summary of public comment
Written Public Comments
Statutory Authority
Recommended Revisions
10CR-101 Filing for Chapter 246-282, Sanitary Control of ShellfishCover memo
DOH Sanitary Control of Shellfish PowerPoint
DOH request memo
Statutory authority
11Rulemaking Petition – Chapter 246-105 WAC, Immunization Criteria, Child Care and School EntryCover Memo
Policy 2005-001 Rulemaking Petitions
12Update – Legislative StatementCover memo 2022 legislative statement
Draft 2022 Legislative Statement
Policy number 2001-001-Legislation
13Board Member Comments and ConcernsNo material at this time