October 17, 2024
3 years ago

@ Ground Zero In Kyiv, Ukraine

DavesPaper.com | by Vadim Pikus | February 25, 2022 10:00 AM EST

Status report today February 25, 2022 at 17:00.

Kiev is surrounded by invaders from almost all sides. Additional units of the Ukrainian army entered the city to defend the capital.

Marine battalion engineer, Skakun Vitaly blew up the Genichesk bridge and died in the explosion himself, not having time to leave. By this, he delayed the advance of the column of tanks of the invaders. A young guy died heroically for his homeland.

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine has increased the allowable age of volunteers for admission to territorial defense units to 70 years. Different people go there, here is an example of recruitment into one of the detachments, this is indicative of how Ukrainians are ready to defend their homeland:

  • The volunteer has cancer. Terminal stage. And he wants to help. How much can. How much time.
  • One volunteer turned out to be epileptic. He had a seizure right during the formation. Then he had a tantrum because he was asked to go home.
  • And here is another volunteer – Grandfather, who is seventy-one years old. He came to record already in a camouflage uniform, as he had already fought in 2014 with the Russian troops in the Donbass. Grandfather persuaded him to accept and he was left to help in the armory ….

In Kiev itself, a sabotage group of Russian troops was destroyed. They, in the form of soldiers of the Ukrainian army, moved around Kiev in an Infantry Fighting Vehicle and crushed the car of a pensioner with the owner at the wheel. The man died.

Saboteurs put marks on the roads of Ukraine to help the occupying army 2 weeks before the invasion. They also installed radio beacons.

The occupiers are shelling the suburbs of Kiev. The kindergarten was also shelled. Children are injured.

Fierce fighting continues throughout Ukraine. Ukrainian troops heroically fight with superior enemy forces.

Over the past two days, the Ukrainian military has destroyed:

  • 10 enemy aircraft
  • 7 helicopters, dozens of ballistic and cruise missiles
  • more than 250 tanks and other military equipment
  • killed more than one thousand invaders, and captured 40.

Our wars and civilians are dying again. Part of the invaders’ troops are advancing on Kiev from the side of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which they captured. Moving on heavy equipment through the contaminated and closed Chernobyl territory, they raised radioactive dust. Now there is an increased radioactive background in the air.

The democratic countries of the world, one by one, provide new assistance to Ukraine, adopt new sanctions against the Russian Federation, continuing to supply free of charge the latest weapons to our army, allocating financial resources to support our stalled economy.

Putin, who previously did not agree to any negotiations, has now declared that he is ready to negotiate, but at the same time demands the impossible – the surrender of Ukraine, complete disarmament and a non-bloc status of Ukraine.

Now about the personal.

As I wrote earlier, my daughter and granddaughter drove out in their car to the western part of Ukraine last night, because there is no intense shelling there. To my great joy, my daughter called us and informed us that they had reached their destination safely.

My daughter, almost continuously and without rest, spent 20 hours behind the wheel of a car, including all night. The granddaughter did not understand what was happening, she perceived it as an adventure and a journey. She had never traveled such distances in a car before in her life. They also had to pass through areas that had only just begun to be shelled today, and at times they traveled to the sound of exploding shells. But, they got it! My daughter wants to sleep off and in a day go to the Ukrainian-Polish border, for further travel to Germany. It will not be easy, more than 1,300 refugee cars have already accumulated at the checkpoints.

My wife and I are still staying in Kiev. We covered all the windows of the apartment with thick cardboard so that in the event of a sudden blast wave, we would not suffer from broken glass. During the shelling, we go down, where we found a place for ourselves to hide during the shelling.

My wife and I are now calm that our daughter and granddaughter are safe and we can be more active during the storming of our city.

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