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Angry AOC Admits Capitol Police Held the Doors Wide Open on January 6 (VIDEO)

the Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft | July 14, 2022

Earlier Thursday, The Gateway Pundit reported that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) had an epic meltdown after she was heckled by comedian Alex Stein on the Capitol steps. Ocasio-Cortez wrote that she wanted to “deck” Stein. Later she spoke to a reporter and posted a streaming video about the incident where she accused Capitol Police officers of conspiring with the January 6th rioters.

Ocasio-Cortez argued to Wu, saying police rousted Stein after pressure from her and House (Democrat) leadership, “FYI we had to escalate to House leadership to get them to stop him and run his info. They did not until members intervened and pressed them to.”

“These insurrectionists and that there were actual officers working with this, and we never got to the bottom of that, and we never got any answers about that. And then to this day, we’re just supposed to pretend that that never happened. I have no idea what happened to the people on the inside who were very clearly sympathetic with what was going on and opening the doors wide open for that. And I’m supposed to sit here and pretend like none of that ever happened,” angry AOC said.

The Gateway Pundit reported a year ago that the US Capitol doors were opened from the inside, and AOC just admitted that today.

The American patriot, who is a US Marine veteran who worked overseas at a US Embassy, told TGP that the doors on the US Capitol are electronically controlled magnetic locked doors. And someone inside the security booth at the US Capitol opened the doors!

Here is what we were told.

Retired Marine: We’re on the top level now – about 15 feet from the doors just before they opened up. People are yelling and screaming. Everyone’s cheering, all kind of stuff. It’s chaotic. But we’re just kind of there. And then all of the sudden the doors open up from the inside. I have a picture taken about two seconds before the doors opened. And then I have a picture taken about six seconds later and the doors were open.

Jim Hoft: And they were not opened from the outside?

Retired Marine: They were opened from the inside. Now one of the stories I read recently was that some Marine, some Marine Major, went inside and managed to run around and open up the doors. And I think that was on your website, as well. But here’s what I can tell you about magnetic locks. If a door is locked by a mag lock it cannot be opened from the outside or the inside unless the person controlling that door opens that door by turning off the magnetic lock which those doors according to the photos I took are equipped with.

Jim Hoft: Holy cow! That’s really big news there!

Retired Marine: Now these magnetic locks, I worked in the American embassy overseas. They are very, very strong.

Jim Hoft: I’m sure and they, you would think at the US Capitol they would have top security there.

Retired Marine: Now to give you an idea how strong they are, you could tie a chain to the handlebars of the door and tie it onto a truck. And you can take off with the truck and it is probably going to rip the door handles off but it is not going to open that door. The only way those doors can be opened if they want to be opened is from inside a security booth that is also equipped with a magnetic lock.

Jim Hoft: Has this ever been reported?

Retired Marine: Not that I’ve heard of.

Jim Hoft: Oh my God, this is really big!

Retired Marine: If those magnetic locks had been engaged, in other words, if Capitol Police did not want people opening that door. Now I can understand they might say, “We had police outside so we didn’t want to engage them.” If they did not want those magnetic locks open, there is NOTHING, nothing, no person, no group of people, no hundreds of people who could have opened those doors. No one. Unless the Capitol Police wanted those doors open. As soon as those doors were open, I was lifted off my feet. There was a forward momentum.

Free State Kansas published a video of the magnetic doors being opened from the inside of the US Capitol.

It is clear the doors were open from the inside.

Source: Angry AOC Admits Capitol Police Held the Doors Wide Open on January 6 (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)

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