October 18, 2024

August the 9th

By Stephen Nissley | August 9, 2021

Today is the 9th day of August.

We had a good day yesterday in church and I am looking forward to a visit this week from the Shull family. Our oldest daughter and family are back in the states from Greenland this summer for a visit and looking forward to them coming to Maine.

Along with our study on the home I saw this and copied it. It was too good to pass up.

1. Children need a mother and a father who respect each other and work together as a team.

2. Children need a bicycle, neighbors, and cousins.

3. Children need a grandma to bake with and a grandpa to take ’em fishing.

4. Children need a church, a Sunday School Class, and a truth telling Pastor.

5. Children need a dinner time with home cooked food, prayer, and conversation.

6. Children need Sunday afternoon football and fried chicken.

7. Children need books and coloring pages.

8. Children need summers at the beach and mountains and bazooka bubble gum.

9. Children need hotdogs and Fourth of July Fireworks.

10. Children need fire pits, smores, ghost stories, and real popcorn.

11. Children need discipline from their parents.

12. Children need chores, a job, a way to earn what they want.

13. Children need education that recognizes mama and daddy as the authority, God as the creator, and the Bible as the roadmap.

Stephen Nissley a Missionary Evangelist trying to serve the Lord to the best of my ability in Northern Maine, Canadian Maritimes and Greenland.