‘Forbes’ has published a hit list of top athletes who have refused to bend to the left’s demands to reveal their vaccination status.
Moderna founders make Forbes list of America’s richest during pandemic
The Washington Post | by Ellen Francis | October 6, 2021 At least three people with a stake in the coronavirus vaccine race have just made a list of the top 400 richest people in America. Moderna's chairman Noubar Afeyan, one of the company's founders along with board member Robert…
In "Health"
Vaccine Passports & Big Tech: Why Your Privacy Is At Serious Risk
Forbes | by Steve Forbes | April 23, 2021 Today when you get vaccinated, you receive a sheet of paper from your provider. But big tech is trailing with a formal digital vaccine passport that would take things a step further. Should vaccine passports be issued to people who have…
In "Health"
The Ukraine Situation: An Alternative View [VIDEO]
DavesPaper.com | by Matt Trewhella | March 13, 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFc-72la_ik In the event YouTube takes down this video, please email DP Editor at: editor@davespaper.com and we will post our copy of this important video. Here are the two links to scholars speaking about the history surrounding Ukraine and Russia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c0yY...…