October 18, 2024

Half of America Says Jan 6 Protesters are ‘Persecuted, Political Prisoners’.

New Rasmussen data reveals a dark underbelly to the Biden regime.

by Raheem J. Kassam  | September 14, 2021

Peaceful protesters caught in the maelstrom of the January 6th riot at the U.S. Capitol are being held as “political prisoners” and are being persecuted by law enforcement, says a plurality of American voters.

The data, from a new Rasmussen poll, reveals that 49 percent of American “likely voters” either strongly or somewhat agree with the concept that the U.S. government is holding political prisoners. Forty-two percent are in disagreement, with nine percent “unsure”.

This means more people than not believe the January 6th protesters are being unjustly held by their government. Recent reports suggest some of the individuals still awaiting trial are being mistreated, under-fed, and locked in solitary confinement without rationale.

When Members of Congress visited the Department of Corrections in Washington D.C., they were locked out of the building and unable to inspect the detention facilities.

Furthermore, Rasmussen reveals that 48 percent of Americans believe the Department of Justice and FBI have “targeted, imprisoned, and persecuted non-violent American patriots,” while 46 percent disagreed with the premise.

Just 52 percent say Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election “fairly,” with 40 percent claiming the opposite, and eight percent still unsure.

The news is bound to rankle White House staffers who have been unable to rescue President Biden from polling free-falls in recent weeks.

Raheem J. Kassam

Raheem Kassam is the Editor-in-Chief of the National Pulse, and former senior advisor to Brexit leader Nigel Farage. Kassam is the best-selling author of ‘No Go Zones’ and ‘Enoch Was Right’, a co-host at the War Room: Impeachment podcast, a Lincoln fellow at the Claremont Institute, and a fellow at the Bow Group think tank. Kassam is an academic advisory board member at the Institut des Sciences Sociales, Economiques et Politiques in Lyon, France. He resides in Washington, D.C.

Source: Half of America Says Jan 6 Protesters are ‘Persecuted, Political Prisoners’. (thenationalpulse.com)