January 30, 2025

What To Do When You’re A 130 Year Old Newspaper On The Skids…Panhandle!

DavesPaper.com | by Calvin Audibert | December 3, 2021

Bangor Daily News has been around for a long time, but its business model has been going downhill for a while and for a myriad of reasons.

As a Maine newspaper portraying an image of independent news outlet of just reporting the facts, the real story tells it differently. Maine people have been seeing past the smoke and mirrors for the past two decades, and it seems like the News has lost its way.

And the facts show it.

From its heyday in the 1980’s, BDN’s circulation topped around 85,000 and today it’s less than half.

Operating budgets have been slashed.

The number of employees has been dramatically cut.

In 2013, BDN had to shut down its Hampden printing facility–permanently shedding 27 fulltime employees. It had to work out a deal with its competitor, Sun Media Group to print its daily newspaper.

Since 1964 when it endorsed Barry Goldwater for president, the BDN’s political legacy of center-right has been tarnished, too. The editorial staff endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. The News attempt to oust all the names and addresses of holders of concealed weapon permits in 2013 did much to damage its already beleaguered center-right facade.

Media Bias/Fact Check.com rated the News in early 2020 as,

“Editorially, the paper leans left and typically endorses Democratic candidates.

“Overall, we rate the Bangor Daily News Left-Center biased based on editorial positions that slightly favor the left 

With BDN’s attempts to redevelop it’s long lost reputation of being a center-right, Maine independent news outlet, things must be going from bad to worse.

Just last week, the Bangor Daily News sent out an email asking Mainers to give $20,000 “to support local watchdog journalism.” –Excuse me, Bangor Daily News but isn’t that what you were suppose to have been doing for the past 130 years???

It is sad to have watched what was once a stalwart in Maine media resort to what could be referred to as “digital” pan-handling.

The time has come for the Bangor Daily News to be put out to pasture. Let the other media outlets do the real local watchdog journalism. BDN is just another example of the legacy media that has outlived its usefulness.



Below is the BDN panhandling email that it sent out last week.


Sent: Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 1:00 PM

Subject: One week from today, strengthen watchdog journalism with us

Dear Friend, It’s almost go time! We’re one week away from Giving Tuesday and the Bangor Daily News has set a goal of $20,000 in just 24 hours to support local watchdog journalism. Journalism like Unguarded, this month’s groundbreaking investigation into the Maine Army National Guard’s handling of sexual assault and harassment.


It takes courage to step forward and tell a personal, painful story to reporters, and it takes courage to hold the powerful to account. Things worth doing take courage. We know our readers support our mission to bring Maine together through local fact based journalism, so we know it’s possible to reach our goal on November 30.

Busy that day? You also can make a gift now, and it’ll count toward the goal. Yes! I’ll donate early! Don’t forget to tell your friends and family that they can make a difference, too: If both you and a friend each contribute, we’ll prove that Mainers care about holding the powerful to account, and making sure all Mainers have the facts they need to make informed decisions.

From all of us at the Bangor Daily News, thank you for your support—on Giving Tuesday and every single day you help to strengthen local journalism for Maine.

The Bangor Daily News is not a 501(c)(3) organization, and so your donation is not tax deductible. No services or products will be rendered to you in exchange for your donation. Copyright © 2021 bangordailynews, All rights reserved.
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