January 12, 2025

August the 8th

By Stephen Nissley | August 8, 2021

Today is the 8th day of August 2021 and it’s a Sunday.

I trust you will be in church today. There was never a question in our home while I was growing up whether we would go to church on Sunday or not. Saturday evening was mostly spent getting ready for Sunday. I praise the Lord for my Godly parents!

We have been discussing the home, and the family relationship. I mentioned we would discuss discipline.

The role of a husband is so very important for a home to be what it should be.

God made youth attractive to each other. I remember going to church right after meeting Susie Atkins, (who became my wife) and showing the fellows her picture. She was a real knock out! However her and I didn’t marry just because Susie was good looking. We discussed our relationship at length before marriage. Divorce was one thing we talked about and we both decided come what may, that was not to be an option. We both decided that in our marriage we wanted to put God first. We decided that if there was ever a disagreement with either my folks or hers, we would make the decision between ourselves.

This my friend is where discipline started.

The Bible says, Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. The parents need to be walking with the Lord first!

Lord willing, more in the morning.

Stephen Nissley a Missionary Evangelist trying to serve the Lord to the best of my ability in Northern Maine, Canadian Maritimes and Greenland.