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Australian Senator Stuns Parliament: Unmasks Klaus Schwab and his ‘Marxist World Economic Forum’ (Video)

RAIR | by Amy Mek | April 3, 2022

“The World Economic Forum’s message is designed to appear harmless when in fact the ideology that underpins it is revolutionary and destructive.” – Australian Senator Alex Antic

During a Parliament session on Tuesday, Australian Senator Alex Antic unmasked the “Marxist World Economic Forum” (WEF), revealing how they use their Young Global Leader graduates to penetrate governments worldwide. Senator Antic is determined to uncover how far the WEF’s influence reaches in Australia.

Watch Australian Senator Alex Antic address Parliament:

WEF Infiltrates Governments

“It’s an ideology which is creeping into governments across the world,” stated Antic. The Senator referenced Schwab’s comments from 2017 about his control over Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet,

What we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister (Justin) Trudeau … We penetrate the cabinet. So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half of his cabinet, are actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum.”

The WEF leader also highlighted other governments that he has penetrated, “It’s true in Argentina, it’s true in France — now with the President, who is a young global leader,’”  Schwab said.

Antic pointed out that the WEF is against capitalism and free markets and seeks to undermine Western values ​​and political processes. He said the group is “steeped in authoritarianism and Marxist ideology.” Antic explains,

“Closer inspection reveals the World Economic Forum is an anti-capitalist, anti-free market organization that seeks to subvert western values and political processes, and they are very organized and very well funded.

Their message is designed to appear harmless when in fact the ideology that underpins it is revolutionary and destructive. They train aspirational leaders in their ideology and help them make connections in spheres including in politics, business and the arts.

The WEF is a globalist organization behind the “Great Reset” agenda, which is a radical plan created by global elites that seeks to “push the reset button on the global economy” and establish a New World Order.

Of course, the vehicle for the Great Reset is the coronavirus pandemic. Antic explained that the WEF has consistently advocated for the most “extreme” and “harshest” Covid lockdown measures, including vaccine passports and mandates.

“You don’t have to be a political philosopher to figure out that the state owns everything if you own nothing,” Antic said. “There’s a word for this: it’s ‘communism.’ The World Economic Forum and its affiliates shamelessly promote the abolition of private property.”

Source: Australian Senator Stuns Parliament: Unmasks Klaus Schwab and his ‘Marxist World Economic Forum’ (Video) – RAIR (

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