October 22, 2024
2 years ago

Cop Smiles after Violently Beating Homeless Army Vet

The Root | by Kalyn Womack | December 13, 2022

Attorneys for Dalvin Gadson, a 29-year-old veteran, are calling for an investigation following the release of a photo of Gadson’s bloodied face after he was beaten by police officers. According to a Newsone report, the cops were also photographed smiling with bloody knuckles as Gadson laid on the ground.

Gadson served in the Army National Guard as a helicopter mechanic and was homeless at the time of the October incident during which he was pulled over for a traffic stop. The report noted both an improperly displayed license tag and car failure as reasons for the stop. One officer claimed Gadson smelled of marijuana and tried to issue a DUI test. Gadson was told when he got out of his vehicle he would be handcuffed, so he refused to exit until he was told why he was being arrested.

After asking an honest question, Gadson said he was grabbed out of his car.

“The same police officer immediately started punching me in the face while pulling me out of my car. After the first punch, I tried to say okay, I tried to say sorry, I tried to lay on the ground, but multiple officers were grabbing me, kicking me in the head, kneeing and elbowing me in the face, and punching me everywhere possible. After I was punched several times in the face, I lost consciousness,” Gadson said via his GoFundMe fundraiser.

Read more about the case from the Law Office of Harry Daniels:

“Dalvin Gadson was a homeless veteran living out of his car as he worked to reenlist and continue serving his country. But all these officers saw was a black man and they beat him for it, smiling for the camera as he lay on the ground bleeding,” Daniels said pointing to the pictures. “They beat him mercilessly and now he’s afraid to go outside and the VA can’t see him to treat his injuries and PTSD until January.”

Gadson received multiple injuries including injuries to his eye, a ruptured eardrum and PTSD. He was charged with two counts of Second Degree Assault on a Police Officer, Resisting Arrest, Obstructing a Peace Officer, Driving Under the Influence and Driving Without License Plates. Both charges of Second Degree Assault on a Police Officer have been dropped and the DUI charge was dismissed in a DMV hearing on December 7.

Gadson’s attorneys are calling for a criminal investigation and for action to be taken against the officers.

Source: Cop Smiles after Violently Beating Homeless Army Vet (theroot.com)