January 10, 2025
3 years ago

‘Defeat the Mandates’: Thousands Protest in Washington Against Vaccine Requirements

NTD.com | Jack Phillips | January 23, 2022

Thousands of people turned out in Washington to protest and march against COVID-19 vaccine mandates on Sunday—one of the largest U.S. events and protests held against vaccine mandates since the start of the pandemic.

Starting at 12:30 p.m., thousands of people marched around the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial, with many holding signs decrying COVID-19 regulations, vaccine passports, and mandates. Some criticized the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates.

In recent weeks, U.S. COVID-19 cases have skyrocketed in areas that have high vaccination rates, once again casting a shadow on the effectiveness of the shots, and a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study suggested that natural immunity is superior to vaccines against the Delta variant. Federal officials frequently say that vaccines protect against severe disease and hospitalization.

Former NBA star Kwame Brown, who has frequently criticized vaccine mandates on social media, told The Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders” that he attended because “I think we got to get back to compassion for our fellow man and woman.”

“People are being put out of work” over mandates, he said on Sunday in Washington. “People are not being able to go over to their friends and family’s house … I think everybody should have a right to choose whether they want to do it … and that’s what America is supposed to be about.”

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, who was fired three weeks ago by University of California, Irvine, as he was challenging the school’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy, similarly told The Epoch Times on Sunday that for the past few years, “Americans have been isolated by lockdowns by social distancing by new forms of limited interaction behind computer screens.”Crowd gathers at Lincoln Memorial for the Defeat the Mandates rallyCrowd gathers at Lincoln Memorial for the “Defeat the Mandates” rally in Washington on Jan. 23, 2022. (Lynn Lin/NTD)Crowd gathers at Lincoln Memorial for the Defeat the Mandates rallyCrowd gathers at Lincoln Memorial for the “Defeat the Mandates” rally in Washington on Jan. 23, 2022. (Lynn Lin/NTD)Crowd gathers at Lincoln Memorial for the Defeat the Mandates rallyCrowd gathers at Lincoln Memorial for the “Defeat the Mandates” rally in Washington on Jan. 23, 2022. (Lynn Lin/NTD)

“Americans need to recover our right to assembly and our right to public spaces. And so I think the most important thing about this event is that it is a public event,” said Kheriaty, who has become a frequent critic of vaccine passports and mandates. “And it’s an opportunity for all of us to be together in solidarity and love for one another, to speak up against coercive mandates, to let doctors be doctors without other entities coming between a doctor’s own medical judgment and caring for his patient.

”This event, he said, “I’m hoping will catalyze a movement in the United States.” And while some media outlets described the march as an “anti-vaccine” march, Kheriaty and march organizers said it’s the mandates, not the vaccines, that they oppose.

One of the march’s organizers told Fox News over the weekend that the rally is important to push back against what he described as increasingly coercive measures that are coming from the White House.“

You’re going to hear a lot of [talk on the left that] this is a big, anti-vax rally, [that] it’s people coming in to deny science,” march organizer Will Witt stated, “but this march is about the mandate, and this march is about the Draconian measures that we’re seeing all across this country right now, especially in places like D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco.”

Jan Jekielek contributed to this report.

From The Epoch Times

Source:  ‘Defeat the Mandates’: Thousands Protest in Washington Against Vaccine Requirements (ntd.com)

1 Comment

  1. USA – Peoples Convoy game plan. Updated 2-14, 2022
    Suggestions that need to reach the truckers directly, their families, friends, trucking company owners and especially organizers of this convoy!

    This will be “peaceful” demonstration of Americans that wish to voice and demonstrate grievances with the Administration as to freedoms now being trampled on and denied to citizens and a two-tiered justice system, and other issues.

    The cost to truckers participating is not only lost wages and time away from family, but also the fuel and other costs to run just the rigs even without a trailer/box.

    Here is a vision that the worlds news medias need to show the public! – This is the, “PEOPLES” Convoy!

    1. All along the travel routes, signs posted for rally points at fueling stations for the “local citizens” to gather at the off ramps with kids, flags and “contributions” handed directly to the truckers to help fill their tanks— CUT OUT THE MIDDLE MEN, GIVE DIRECTLY TO THE DRIVERS!
    A. Video footage of children handing a dollar bill to individual drivers; adults a $5, $20 or more.
    B. Envelopes with notes showing the contributors, – Local schools by “class year”, “sports
    teams/programs”, employee groups from small and large local businesses with a THANK YOU card
    enclosed to be personally handed to drivers with donations.
    C. Every local organization and business separately pooling contributions to deliver directly to drivers.
    Cash or prepaid debit cards with a note of thanks for representing, us, the “PEOPLE” of this country!

    2. If you have any contacts into the legal profession, pass this along to the local individuals that can make this happen locally, in every county along the routes — We know the federal government and some local state governments will try to crush the movement with false claims of illegal, violent, terrorist, anti- American activity. We need the attorneys of every county on the routes to be organized and prepared to aid and assist the drivers as needed and bail money support. This is most critically needed within 50 miles of the final destination of Washington DC.

    3. There will be organized attempts to seed the activities with bad actors that will promote violence, property destruction and displays of flags and signs that are not the sentiments or values of this protest movement. The drivers, and every protester as a group, all adults together need to immediately peacefully confront and stop such activity. Be prepared, have a plan!

    4. Truckers need to provide game plan of communications to leave lanes open for emergency vehicles at all times.

    5. Drivers and supporting protestors need to be prepared for 3-4 weeks of food, fuel, shelter and other necessities for a long campout.

    6. All local residents in a 20-mile radius of DC need to understand that this movement will directly and
    substantially impact them, their families, businesses, schools, local commuting to work, shopping, and refueling their cars. Patriots prepare!! You are part of, and “essential” to the success of this entire effort! Tanker trucks need to replenish locals fuel, as well as the Convoy and supporting protestor vehicles.
    A. Locals; fill, to full, all of your vehicles fuel tanks 10 days prior to the anticipated arrival of the Convoy and continually
    top off when you get down to a ¾ full tank! This will give the fueling stations deliveries, time and ability to keep station
    storage tanks full by the time the Convoy and supporter arrive.
    B. 14 days prior to the Convoys anticipated arrival shop for a 30-day supply of food and necessities so
    stores can be restocked prior to arrival date!

    7. All Americans across the US, be ready to do your part! We all will face shortages of all the items the trucking industry transport every day to supply or stores and shops. Business’s will have hardship with inventory and lack of sales. We all need to endure this to demonstrate to the Administration the power of the “people” to unit and stand together from our truly national melting pot of the world’s cultures.

    Please pass this along to “local” organizers that can assist, and also to, individuals, organizations, and businesses that can make this happen! – We all need stand together united! – Needs to go viral! – Patriots all !

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