October 24, 2024

Donald Trump Responds to New York Times’ Admission on Hunter Biden Emails

Breitbart | by Kristina Wong | March 18, 2022

Former President Donald Trump on Friday responded to the New York Times admitting the emails found on a laptop at a repair shop in Delaware belonged to Hunter Biden and are authentic.

Trump said in a statement: “The New York Times just admitted that it participated in an effort to rig the election for Joe Biden.”

“Read the article by the New York Post here,” he added, linking to a scathing New York Post editorial slamming the Times for ignoring its breaking reporting on the emails two years ago, not attempting to authenticate the emails at that time, and printing Democrats’ statements calling the report’s credibility into question.

The Times earlier this week finally admitted in a report on Thursday the emails were authentic. The report said (emphasis added):

People familiar with the investigation said prosecutors had examined emails between Mr. Biden, Mr. Archer and others about Burisma and other foreign business activity. Those emails were obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shopThe email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation.

When the Breitbart News Politics Editor Emma-Jo Morris — who was at the time with the Post — first reported on the emails in October 2020, Democrats and intelligence “experts” called it Russian disinformation and their allies in Big Tech helped to censor the reporting.

Twitter suspended the newspaper’s account for weeks and suspended anyone tweeting content from the reports. Facebook also banned the reporting from its platform.

The Post wrote in its editorial:

Now we’re 16 months away from the 2020 election, Joe Biden’s safely in the White House, and the Times finally decides to report on the news rather than carry the Biden campaign’s water. And they find that hey, Hunter Biden’s business interests benefited from Joe Biden’s political status to a suspicious degree. Perhaps this is a topic worthy of examination.


Twitter banned us for supposedly publishing “hacked materials” that weren’t hacked. The company’s CEO apologized, but by that point, they had accomplished what they wanted. Like the Times, they cast enough doubt to avoid making their preferred candidate look bad.

Readers of the Times have discovered in March 2022 that Hunter Biden pursued business deals in Europe and Asia, and may have leveraged his father’s position as vice president to do it. Hunter also may not have properly registered with the government or declared all his income. All legitimate topics of discussion about a presidential candidate’s family, no?

Readers of The Post have known this since October 2020. We also have a much better sports section. We’ve authenticated it.

Source: Donald Trump Responds to New York Times’ Admission on Hunter Biden Emails (breitbart.com)

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