October 22, 2024

Media Blackout: It’s Not Just Southwest Airlines – Air Traffic Controllers in Jacksonville Reportedly Walked Out Friday Night Protesting Mandatory COVID Vaccinations Too

Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft | October 10, 2021

Big Media blacked out the news on Friday night that hundreds of flights out of Jacksonville were cancelled due to walkouts in response to vaccine mandates.

We’ve reported already on the Southwest Airlines flights canceled this weekend.

Americans are fed up with radical leftists (communists) mandating insane actions that take our freedom away.

Source: Media Blackout: It’s Not Just Southwest Airlines – Air Traffic Controllers in Jacksonville Reportedly Walked Out Friday Night Protesting Mandatory COVID Vaccinations Too (thegatewaypundit.com)


  1. I’m hoping this is the start of something big and wonderful… The giant is beginning to stir from its slumber.

  2. I was part of the Air Travel that was Affected… I was stuck in Chicago layover, Connecting flight to CLE was cancelled with a reschedule
    time of Monday. Hotel rooms were going for 300 night… There were NO Rental Cars to be had. We happened to find out on our own there was a flight in the gate leaving for Columbus… which we were blessed to get tickets for and get there.. which my daughter drove over 2 hrs to pick us up.. I still have no luggage. NOW, with that said… I FULLY support the action taken ! I simply was only part of the key to making it happen by spreading the word as to THE TRUTH !

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