July 26, 2024

MSM Does Not Like Big Government Spying On Them

DavesPaper.com | by Calvin Audibert | December 12, 2012

A breaking news story is shaking Washington DC and has the mainstream media including the Associated Press screaming like a stuck pig.

The story broke on Friday by Yahoo News that a federal anti-terror unit is investigating journalists. What the hell did the mainstream media expect with an ever-growing tyrannical government. Do I need to give the legacy media a refresher history class with the likes of J. Edgar Hoover?

Of course, it’s only natural for the same media that perpetually bashes President Trump, MAGA supporters and peaceful January 6 protesters to assume they would never receive the same heavy-handed treatment, right?

Communist and corrupt governments never go after journalists or media, right?

The irony here is now America’s legacy media wants to run under the umbrella of the US Constitution for its own self-interests while spending the past 100 years trashing everyone else constitutional rights and protections. What’s that old saying, karma’s a bitch…

To bring you up to speed, here are two breaking news article to read:

Operation Whistle Pig: Inside the secret CBP unit with no rules that investigates Americans (yahoo.com)

Watchdog: Federal anti-terror unit investigated journalists | AP News

Operation Whistle Pig: Inside the secret CBP unit with no rules that investigates Americans

Yahoo News | by Jana Winter | December 11, 2021

It was almost 10 p.m. on a Thursday night, and Ali Watkins was walking around the capital following instructions texted by a stranger. One message instructed her to walk through an abandoned parking lot near Washington, D.C.’s Dupont Circle, and then wait at a laundromat. Then came a final cryptic instruction: She was to enter an unmarked door on Connecticut Avenue leading to a hidden bar.

The Sheppard, an upscale speakeasy, was so dimly lit it was sometimes hard to see the menu, let alone a stranger at the bar. But amid the red velvet upholstery, Watkins, then a reporter at Politico, almost immediately spotted the man she was supposed to meet: He was wearing a corduroy blazer and jeans and had a distinctive gap between his teeth.

“I won’t tell you my name, but I work for the U.S. government,” he said, according to her account later provided to government investigators.

It was June 1, 2017, and Watkins was a rising star in the world of national security journalism, breaking big stories about the investigation into President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. She had hopped from the Huffington Post to BuzzFeed and then Politico, when a man writing under the pseudonym Jack Bentley had reached out, wanting to meet with her. She agreed, as journalists often do, thinking he might be a potential source.

Read the rest of the article at Operation Whistle Pig: Inside the secret CBP unit with no rules that investigates Americans (yahoo.com)

Watchdog: Federal anti-terror unit investigated journalists | AP News

Ap News | by Mark Sherman | December 12, 2021

WASHINGTON (AP) — A special Customs and Border Protection unit used sensitive government databases intended to track terrorists to investigate as many as 20 U.S.-based journalists, including a Pulitzer Prize-winning Associated Press reporter, according to a federal watchdog.

Yahoo News, which published an extensive report on the investigation, also found that the unit, the Counter Network Division, queried records of congressional staffers and perhaps members of Congress.

Jeffrey Rambo, an agent who acknowledged running checks on journalists in 2017, told federal investigators the practice is routine. “When a name comes across your desk you run it through every system you have access too, that’s just status quo, that’s what everyone does,” Rambo was quoted by Yahoo News as saying.

The AP obtained a redacted copy of a more than 500-page report by the Homeland Security Department’s inspector general that included the same statement, but with the speaker’s name blacked out. The border protection agency is part of Homeland Security.

The revelations raised alarm in news organizations and prompted a demand for a full explanation.

“We are deeply concerned about this apparent abuse of power,” Lauren Easton, AP’s director of media relations, said in a statement. “This appears to be an example of journalists being targeted for simply doing their jobs, which is a violation of the First Amendment.”

Read the rest of the article at Watchdog: Federal anti-terror unit investigated journalists | AP News

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