October 22, 2024

‘So you’ll rig the election … again’? Adam Kinzinger DRAGGED for claiming he will move Heaven and Earth to keep Trump from winning in 24: VIDEO

twitchy | by Sam J. | March 17, 2022

Watching Adam Kinzinger get all big and bad about how he and others ‘will move Heaven and Earth’ to make sure Trump doesn’t win in 2024 is just painfully embarrasing. We all know he won’t have a Congressional seat for much longer, so all that’s left is his going on outlets like MSNBC and CNN where he can preach to the ‘orange man bad’ echo chamber.

Also, this sounds kinda sorta like Adam and the many others he’s referring to wouldn’t mind breaking the law and/or rigging an election.

Don’t take our word for it, watch:


Probably NOT the smartest thing Adam could have said.

It certainly doesn’t sound good.

Source: ‘So you’ll rig the election … again’? Adam Kinzinger DRAGGED for claiming he will move Heaven and Earth to keep Trump from winning in 24 (watch) – twitchy.com

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