January 14, 2025
3 years ago

Adam Carolla tells Megyn Kelly that children have been forced to mask in schools for a much more nefarious reason than just COVID-19

Blaze TV | by Sarah Taylor | March 17, 2022

Comedian Adam Carolla told Megyn Kelly that he believes children are forced to continue wearing masks in schools in order to teach them compliance.

What are the details?

Carolla, who appeared on Tuesday’s broadcast of “The Megyn Kelly Show” podcast, told Kelly that he doesn’t agree with the Los Angeles Unified School District’s decision to continue masking children in schools.

“Thank you, L.A. Unified School District, and thank you, teachers’ unions — they’re a bunch of cowards,” he thundered, “and hypocrites, and there is no science to what they’re doing.”

“Why the emphasis on the kids?” Carolla added. “This hasn’t been dangerous for kids. We’ve known this. This kills sick people, old people, obese people, comorbidity people. It doesn’t ostensibly affect kids, they’re in the safest category. So why keep drilling down on the kids?”

He continued, “Well, just remember this phrase, Megyn: ‘crate training.’ You cannot train a dog when it’s middle-aged. You got to get them when they’re puppies. And get them trained up and into that crate. And that’s what we’re doing with kids. Because this will not be the last emergency, and it will not be the last time the government and the governor and the mayor need to exact their power. And so, ‘Let’s get the kids into the crate. Let’s get them coached up. And then they’ll be ours. We can do whatever we want with them after that, they’ll listen to anything. They’ll be good subjects.’”

Kelly agreed and said that she believed it was important for parents to discuss with their children what she said was senseless continued masking in schools.

She added that the point of the pandemic Americans are in has prompted them to move from complying with mask guidance and lockdown mandates to fighting for everyday freedoms.

“That’s why,” she continued, “it was important, I think, during this pandemic as it rolled on and on to sort of speak to your children about how this is absurd, how it is a time to fight. It crossed over from a time to comply, and to see what’s what at the very beginning — which everyone did, the whole country did that willingly … and then bit by bit people got to the end of their rope, or their breaking point earlier than others, but eventually most of the country — even Democrats — got to the point realizing this is nonsense, and it’s a time to fight.”

Source: Adam Carolla tells Megyn Kelly that children have been forced to mask in schools for a much more nefarious reason than just COVID-19 – Conservative Review

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