July 24, 2024
2 years ago

Biblical Worldview for Maine & America | Why It Matters in 2022

DavesPaper.com will be hosting Focus on the Family, “Truth Project” at John Linnehan’s Constitution Hall every Friday @ 6pm 225 High Street, Suite 2, Ellsworth, Maine. There is no fee for these events.


The Truth Project is a ground-breaking small group curriculum on the Biblical worldview. This video-based home Bible study is the starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Join Dr. Del Tackett, as he takes you through 13 engaging video lessons on the relevance and importance of living the Biblical worldview in daily life, featuring insights from biblical experts like R.C. Sproul, Os Guinness and Gordon Pennington.

For additional information: www.DavesPaper.com | www.constitutionhall.org | email: editor@DavesPaper.com

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