January 15, 2025

DavesPaper.com Ranks 22nd On Feedspot’s Top 70 Conservative Political Blogs and Websites

DavesPaper.com | by Calvin Audibert | November 9, 2021

Monday morning, DavesPaper.com was informed by Feedspot of it’s ranking on their Top 70 Conservative Political Blogs and Websites and we have been beaming with pride ever since.

DavesPaper.com is among some pretty good company.  National Review took the #1 spot, Michelle Malkin at #4, Gateway Pundit at #5, RedState at #6, Wayne Dupree at #11 and Dick Morris at #16.

“This is vindication that we are on the right track from day one. We could not have reached this milestone without the support of our readers from across the United States of America and around the globe,” David Ireland, DP Editor-In-Chief commented.

We will continue to conduct our mission to provide reliable news, thought-provoking commentary and ideas to solve the challenges facing America.

We will continue to inform our audience of the millions of freedom-loving patriots across our great country that are making sure life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are not snuffed out at their town or city or state.

And more importantly, let every American patriot know that they are not alone despite the propaganda to the contrary pushed out by the legacy media of our time.

In an email on Monday, Anuj Agarwal, founder of Feedspot wrote:

I would like to personally congratulate you as your website DavesPaper.com has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 70 Conservative Political Blogs on the web.

I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 70 Conservative Political Blogs and Websites on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

Feedspot ranking is based on relevancy, blog/website post frequency, social media follower counts and engagements, domain authority, Alexa Web Traffic Rank and other parameters.

Another milestone was reached last week by DavesPaper.com when our social media platform readership audience broke through the 8 million mark.

DavesPaper.com Stats

  • 150,000+ Monthly Visitors
  • 525,000+ Unique Pageviews
  • Average Visit: 4.5 Minutes
  • 29,280 Minutes Of DP Video Watched Monthly: 28%-Desktop, 60%-Phone, 12%-Tablet
  • 8.2 Million Social Media Footprint

DavesPaper.com Demographics

  • 68% USA Readers
  • 56%/44% Male/Female Readers
  • 17% Readers: 35-44
  • 26% Readers: 45-54
  • 27% Readers: 55-64
  • 23% Readers: 65+
  • Readers From All 5o States
  • Readers From 1,086 Cities, USA & Global (July 2021)
  • Top 25 Global Countries (By Visitors):  UK, Germany, Australia, Netherlands, Canada, Ireland, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Sweden, France, Turkey, Russia, South Korea, Finland, Singapore, Belgium, Brazil, Czechia, Belarus, Hungary, Japan, India, Switzerland

Be sure to check out our sister websites:

AskCuriBono.com (latin, who benefits) is a resource for those who attend school board/BOE meetings in their local school district. We have listed several “talking point” questions that can be utilized in your efforts to keep your school board on their toes and transparent. We have included on this site two databases that will tell you how much COVID money your state and your county has received from the federal government as long as all pupils, teachers and school administrators are masked up and follow vaccine mandates.