Grant Atkinson August 6, 2021 at 9:37am
The first six months of Joe Biden’s presidency have been a complete disaster for freedom-loving Americans. A new poll suggests that many have taken note.
A Quinnipiac poll released on Wednesday asked Americans about issues ranging from the pandemic to the 2024 election. The results were not particularly encouraging for Biden.
Over half of Americans — 54 percent — said they did not think Biden would run for re-election in 2024. Only 33 percent said they thought he would run.
The poll was conducted from July 27 to Aug. 2 among 1,290 American adults with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points.
What’s worse for Biden, though, is that in addition to people not thinking he will run in 2024, a significant portion of Americans don’t think he should. Trending: Top Israeli Professor Conducts Double-Blind Study That Seems to Confirm a Potential Antiviral Drug for COVID
Forty-eight percent of Americans said it would be bad for the country if Biden ran for a second term. Just 37 percent said a 2024 Biden campaign would be good for the country.
For a sitting president, those numbers are quite concerning.
Many Americans probably have questions about Biden’s age and health. His frequent gaffes have hardly done much to instill confidence in that regard.
Quinnipiac, however, buried the lede and put the surprising numbers near the bottom of its article. Will President Biden run for re-election in 2024? Yes No
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It led by saying Biden “maintains a positive grade on his handling of the coronavirus response as Americans approve 53-40 percent.” Still, it was forced to admit that this was a significant drop from May, when Americans approved 65-30 percent of Biden’s handling of the pandemic.
The Biden administration has seen success by taking credit for a vaccine developed under former President Donald Trump and cheering a decrease in cases.
Now, as cases rise and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to push masks, Americans appear to be growing skeptical.
Quinnipiac polling analyst Tim Malloy attempted to spin these results to mean that Biden is somehow too optimistic in his coronavirus messaging.
“He has been leading the charge in the battle to beat back COVID, so why is President Biden losing ground with Americans?” he asked. “As the unvaccinated fall victim to the Delta variant, the ‘turning the corner’ optimism from the White House may be starting to ring premature.” Related: Biden’s America: Tenants Buying Boats While Landlord Is Out $24,000 in Rent Due to Eviction Moratorium – Report
Yes, obviously what Americans want is a president who promotes even more fear-mongering.
Alternatively, they are just tired of being told how to live by Biden and the federal government.
The numbers don’t look so great for Biden on other issues, either. Just 43 percent of Americans approve of his handling of the economy, a 5 percent drop from May.
Last week, a Bureau of Economic Analysis report showed the personal consumption expenditures price index — a measurement used to track inflation — spiked four percent between July 2020 and June 2021. That’s the highest level in 30 years.
The Biden administration promotes its tax and-spend-policies by focusing on all the problems they will supposedly fix. But once everyday Americans start to feel the effects on their wallets, they are much less likely to approve.
Biden was hit hardest on his response to gun violence, earning a 32 percent approval rating. His strategy of gun-grabbing and demonizing police as crime skyrockets is apparently not sitting well with most Americans.
While these results are certainly not encouraging for the health of the country, they at least indicate that Americans are waking up. We can only hope they provide a wake-up call to the president.