October 23, 2024

Pelosi is ‘very confident’ Democrats will win the House in 2022 despite slim majority

By Marisa Schultz | Fox News

August 7, 2021

Even the DCCC projects that Democrats would lose the majority if elections were held today

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi predicted Friday that Democrats will retain control of the House in 2022 despite projections of a GOP takeover. 

“I’m very confident that we will win the House,” Pelosi said Friday during her weekly Capitol news conference. 

Pelosi’s comments came in response to reports that even the Democrats’ campaign chief warned that if elections were held now, Republicans would win back the House. 

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, the chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), told a closed-door lunch last week that the party needs to course-correct ahead of 2022 to better promote President Biden’s agenda or else they’ll lose, Politico reported

Pelosi has the slimmest of majorities right now with 220 Democrats to 212 Republicans and three vacancies. Republicans are bullish about winning back the House, and they have history on their side. 

The party in power in the White House traditionally loses seats in Congress during the first midterm election. Former President Barack Obama famously suffered a self-described “shellacking” in 2010 after Republicans won in a landslide midterm election and retook the House just two years after his historic White House win. 

Pelosi touted the strength of Democratic messaging and the authenticity of individual candidates that helped her party win control of the House in 2018. She suggested that Democrats will be using the tough odds to fuel their campaign efforts in 2022.

“I always run from behind,” Pelosi said. 

Meantime, Democrats are seeking to better sell their accomplishments so far under the Biden Administration, with the Democratic National Committee even launching a new national podcast this week. Pelosi and Biden were both buoyed by a positive jobs report on Friday that showed U.S. employers added 943,000 workers to their payrolls and the unemployment rate fell to 5.4%.

Pelosi said the “big number”  is “decisive proof that the Biden administration and the Democrats’ Build Back Better economy is working.” 

Source: Pelosi is ‘very confident’ Democrats will win the House in 2022 despite slim majority | Fox News