October 22, 2024

Poll: Voters Reject Biden Vaccine Mandate, Support Governors Stepping up to Block It

Strong Majorities of Independents, Republicans Oppose Biden Mandate, Believe it Creates Dangerous Precedent Which Could be Abused by Future Presidents

DavesPaper.com | September 13, 2021

(Austin, TX—Sept 13, 2021) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018 and 2020—is releasing the results of a new national survey. Results were from surveys conducted September 10th through September 12th of over 1,000 likely 2022 election voters. MOE 2.96% | Confidence 95%

“The numbers are clear, the American people passionately oppose Biden’s vaccine mandate, and will not tolerate a President elected by the people acting like a dictator or king. They know full well that this precedent will quickly lead to an end to our Republic and the beginning of an oppressive new tyranny,” said Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States Action. “Our citizens stand squarely with courageous, principled governors who know this isn’t about health, science, or compassion, it’s a naked political power grab.”

For complete details on the poll, including graphics, see PDF below.

KEY INSIGHT: Majority of American Voters Say Biden Doesn’t Have the Constitutional Authority to Impose Vaccine Mandates on Private Businesses

  • 58.6% of voters do not believe President Biden has the constitutional authority to force private businesses to require vaccine mandates for employees, while 29.7% believe he does have the authority, and 11.7% aren’t sure.
  • 68.2% of Independent voters don’t believe President Biden has the constitutional authority to force private businesses to require vaccine mandates for employees, while 21% believe he does have the authority, and 10.9% aren’t sure.
  • 83.5% of Republican voters don’t believe President Biden has the constitutional authority to force private businesses to require vaccine mandates for employees, while 10.7% believe he does have the authority, and 5.8% aren’t sure.
  • 27% of Democrat voters don’t believe President Biden has the constitutional authority to force private businesses to require vaccine mandates for employees, while 54.9% believe he does have the authority, and 18.1% aren’t sure.

KEY INSIGHT: Large Majorities of Independent and Republican Voters Support Governors Fighting to Block Biden’s Mandate

  • 56.1% of American voters support the efforts of state governors to oppose Biden’s nationwide vaccine mandate on private businesses—46.3% strongly support, 9.8% support.
  • 62.3% of Independent voters support the efforts of state governors to oppose Biden’s nationwide vaccine mandate on private businesses—45% strongly support, 17.3% support.
  • 78.5% of Republican voters support the efforts of state governors to oppose Biden’s nationwide vaccine mandate on private businesses—70.7% strongly support, 7.8% support.
  • 29.8% of Democrat voters support the efforts of state governors to oppose Biden’s nationwide vaccine mandate on private businesses—23.3% strongly support, 6.5% support.

KEY INSIGHT: Large Majorities of Independent and Republican Voters Support Governors Fighting to Block Biden’s Mandate

  • 55.5% of American voters believe President Biden’s national vaccine mandate sets a precedent that could be abused by future presidents on other issues, while 29.8% say it doesn’t, and 14.7% aren’t sure.
  • 58% of Independent voters believe President Biden’s national vaccine mandate sets a precedent that could be abused by future presidents on other issues, while 20.8% say it doesn’t, and 21.2% aren’t sure.
  • 79.5% of Republican voters believe President Biden’s national vaccine mandate sets a precedent that could be abused by future presidents on other issues, while 11.1% say it doesn’t, and 9.4% aren’t sure.
  • 30.4% of Democrat voters believe President Biden’s national vaccine mandate sets a precedent that could be abused by future presidents on other issues, while 54.4% say it doesn’t, and 15.2% aren’t sure.

About Convention of States Action—Boasting a grassroots network of over 5 million supporters and volunteers, Convention of States’ mission is to restore a culture of self-governance in America and to curtail federal overreach. Its primary focus in accomplishing this mission is using a limited Article V Convention to propose constitutional amendments that impose limitations on the size and scope of the federal government, including a balanced budget requirement and term limits for federal officials.

National Issues Survey – Biden Vaccine Mandates by Trafalgar Group/Convention of States Action

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