October 24, 2024
3 years ago

The Ukraine Situation: An Alternative View [VIDEO]

DavesPaper.com | by Matt Trewhella | March 13, 2022

In the event YouTube takes down this video, please email DP Editor at: editor@davespaper.com and we will post our copy of this important video.

Here are the two links to scholars speaking about the history surrounding Ukraine and Russia:



Here is another link on history: https://www.ukcolumn.org/ukcolumn-new…

Here is the Tucker Carlson link on dangerous weapon biolabs: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucke…

Here is the link to JP Sears video on Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G3nW…

Here is the link to the Forbes article on Vaccine Passports: https://www.forbes.com/sites/suzanner…

4-minute video analysis by retired US Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor who made it past the media guards of the monolithic narrative they have been creating in the minds of men: US Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor Explains The Russia Military Invasion Of Ukraine

Link about Matt Perno (The Epoch Times has much more detail on this): https://dcweekly.org/2022/02/27/rest-…

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